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Conservation Corps Blog

Women's Testimonies

Confessions from the Women’s Chainsaw Crew

Voices from the Field: Conservation Corps 2024

Want the inside skinny what it’s like to be a RMYC trail crew member? Behold the following Session Testimonies from Conservation Corps crew members (age 18 and older) over the course of the summer 2024 season, revealing a few things you might not find in the brochure.


Food for Thought:
No matter how you slice it, some of the most memorable things about being on a Conservation Corps crew concern the food.

Inchworm Crew

Tales from Crew Inchworm

A Week in the Life Of A Fuel Crew Member

All about the first two weeks of learning, exploring, and sharing good times on our chainsaw crew—Oscar Crew.

Ode to Trail Work

A Long and Winding Road
“Me and my mountains, we'll be right here Colorado, Colorado. Dark-eyed country girl, tears in her eyes Needs the music of the wind in the pines Colorado, Colorado?”
—“Colorado” by Stephen Stills


Lists: Life Lessons, 10 Reasons Our Crew Was Amazing, and the Curse of the Lost Member

An Ode to Chainsaws and the Wood-chipper

Crew O: An Ode to Chainsaws and the Wood-chipper with Denver Water in Winter Park

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Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade: I’ve grown intimate with the ragtag supply of tools in our arsenal. Below is a brief description of how I feel using each one.

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Van Seat Pecking Order

On your first day at RMYC, you get shown the vehicle that will be your home base for the next 10 weeks. Where do you sit?

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Comfort Quotes

Comfort (or Discomfort) Quotes:

Being Comfy: “To be successful here, you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.”
—Megan Chopskie

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