Voices from the Field
Second Installment
Words of wisdom from one of our Regional Youth Crew teams, executing field work throughout Northwest Colorado, from Carbondale to Grand Lake.
Want to know what it’s like to be a RMYC trail crew member?
Look no further than the following excerpts, or Session Testimonies, complied from crew members over the course of the 2023 summer, revealing a few thoughts crew members had about themselves, being outside and the whole RMYC experience.
“RMYC is an amazing experience and something that I always will remember. I learned a lot about myself. One, I am a person who requires family—I always was thinking about them and how much I love them. But RMYC helped me overcome that and taught me why being a team player is important. It also taught me how to be patient with myself. It’s a hard challenge and requires commitment but is worth every minute. I love RMYC!”
-June 12-18, Red Hill Special Recreation Area, Garfield County/Carbondale. Removing fencing and weeds, transplanting plants, maintaining Off-Highway Vehicle trails.
“Rocky Mountain Chocolate gave us free ice cream after our project, woooo!!! Yummmmyyyyyyy!”
-June 26-29, USFS/Grand Lake. Restoring OHV trails and campground, cutting/hauling trees, armoring rip-rap, installing grade dips.
“The best thing was riding down the trail and seeing the work that we did and how good of a job we did; it made me realize the importance of what we’re doing. I can’t wait to go on a hike after this and appreciate what all goes into making a good trail.”
-June 5-9, Soda Pass Trail. USFS fire recovery, revegetating/installing grade dips on 1,500 feet of OHV trail.
“I came back after having such a good experience the year prior. It gives me a break from the stress of the internet and regular work and lets me reconnect with nature. It gives me a greater understanding of myself and what I am capable of while having me do important work that I can feel proud of.”
-June 12-25, Soda Pass Trail. USFS fire recovery, backslope maintenance/revegetating/installing grade dips on OHV trail; Willow Creek Campground, Granby. Campground maintenance.